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How does Numerology Work?

Numerology is a way of finding, through mathematics, the energies we are working within this lifetime. Through the numbers of our birth date and the numbers assigned to the letters of our name given at birth, numerology shows us our strengths, weaknesses and lessons or issues we are working with. By understanding those, we can make wiser conscious choices.

Numerology opens up a broader understanding of what’s going on, and; therefore, you can make wiser choices. You can heal. You can grow. That’s what numerology is there for: to help you heal and grow.

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What is Numerology?

The word, “numerology,” is the science of numbers. The Numerology word comes from the Latin root, “numerus,” which means number and the Greek word, “logos,” which refers word or thought. These number-thoughts, or numerology is an ancient method of divination where numerical vibrations are charted in order to determine or predict the pattern of trends for the future.

Why Numerology?

Once you learn how to use numerology successfully and implement it in your daily life you will soon see how it can guide you on a path to personal fulfillment and enjoyment. Numerology can be used to find a compatible partner, choose a career, determine your destiny and allows for full advantage of lucky days, events and years.

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