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What is Manglik Dosha?

In the boy or the girls horoscope when Mars,Sun,Saturn,Rahu Or Ketu is in ascendant, fourth house, seventh house, eighth house or twelth house then it is called Manglik dosh. Manglik dosh is considered stronger when Mars is placed in the ascendant than when Mars is conjoined with Moon in ascendant. Ifaccording to the Shastras the Manglik dosh of both the boy and the girlis getting cancelled then they are guaranteed a happily married life.

On the other hand, if this Manglik dosh is not cancelled then they are likely to face unnecessary problems andhurdles in life. So one must begin his/her married life after getting their horoscopes thoroughly matched. After getting the Manglik dosh properly cancelled the native shall be bestowed with a peaceful and wealthy life.

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